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Bolsas Internacionais

International Scholarships

All the scholarships featured bellow are study and research related and meant for the ULisboa academic community.

Scholarships for Master’s Degrees in People’s Republic of China

China Three Gorges Corporation (CTG) Scholarships

The CTG scholarships aim at stimulating ULisboa newly graduates to continue their post-graduate studies at Chinese Universities, thus increasing value in higher level education strongly anchored in research, and also for social and economic optimization of knowledge and active participation in the progress of communities.

Additional Term to the Protocol

2024 Edition:
Call for Applications Notice (PDF)
Jury Appointment (PDF)

Lifelong Learning Unit:
Tel.: +351 210 170 117, 210 170 118, 210 113 454


Initiative for Transparency in Educational Grants oferece 8 bolsas para a realização de períodos de estudo numa das 8 universidades da Nova Zelândia.

Candidaturas encerradas.

Os estudantes interessados deverão:
- Realizar a candidatura a intercâmbio diretamente, através dos serviços das Escolas, à Universidade da Nova Zelândia, e adicionalmente,
- Realizar a candidatura à bolsa, junto da Initiative for Transparency in Educational Grants, fazendo prova da primeira candidatura, e de acordo com os procedimentos.

Mais informações sobre as bolsas DREAM NEW podem ser obtidas através do seguinte contacto:

Outras informações:

The Swiss Confederation is offering scholarships for doctorates and post-doctorates, as well as artistic and research internship scholarships for the 2019/20 school year.

The Swiss Embassy informs that the application forms were created in PDF format so that applicants may fill them in electronically and print them into the file (handwritten forms will not be accepted).

Three versions of the application files must reach the Swiss Embassy in Portugal until November 4th, 2018.

More information soon

The German Service of Academic Exchange, DAAD-Deutscher Akademischer Austausdienst, offers scholarships to newly graduated students from higher education institutions, scientists and university professors for the academic year of 2017/18.

Learn more

All the information relating to these programs, objectives, application conditions, duration, etc and other programs, such as cooperation between higher education institutions, are available for consultation at this website.