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Professor of the School of Arts and Humanities from ULisboa decorated by the Escola Naval (Naval School) .

Professor José Varandas, Assistant Professor at the School of Arts and Humanities (FLUL) of the University of Lisbon and a Researcher at the Centre for History of the University of Lisbon (CH-ULisboa) , was honored/awarded on January 5th by the Escola Naval, Portuguese Navy.

Professor da Faculdade de Letras da ULisboa condecorado pela Escola Naval

With a Doctorate in History, specialising in Medieval History, in FLUL, José Varandas has been an Assistant Professor at this institution since 2013. In his curriculum, among the various works developed, we highlight the doctoral thesis "Bonus Rex Ou Rex Inutilis: as Periferias e o Centro - Redes de Poder no Reinado de D. Sancho II (1223-1248)", the revision of the XVII number of the collection "Turres Veteras", and the article "Relato de João Carvalho Mascarenhas, um soldado português deslocado pelo mundo", written with Margarida Garcez Ventura. 

The decoration was given by Rear-Admiral Valentim José Pires Antunes Rodrigues, Commander of the Escola Naval, and the ceremony was attended by Professor Hermenegildo Fernandes, representing the History Department of FLUL, and by Professor José da Silva Horta, Director of the degree course in African Studies at FLUL and the Centre for History of the University of Lisbon. 

On the same day, Commander Augusto Salgado, Coordinator of the Military History Research Group of CH-ULisboa was also Honored.


Source: FLUL


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