The first cycle degree in Mathematics provides basic knowledge in several areas of mathematics (including Mathematical Analysis, Algebra, Geometry and Numerical Analysis) as well as their interactions and applications to related areas. This degree enables students to have access to any graduate program (2nd cycle) in Mathematics, either directed to research, education, public services or the private sector.
This course prepares the student for autonomous study, in particular in mathematics and mathematical models at an intermediate level; to select and consult published references; and to interact with experts. Graduates of the first cycle (Licenciados) in Mathematics will have obtained the skills required to successfully resolve problems and make decisions.
Superior technical careers in business and public administration / Teaching and research institutions (universities, polytechnics, basic and secondary schools), public institutions (laboratories, municipalities) and private companies (banks, insurance companies, financial, informatics and engineering consultants).
National contest
Um dos seguintes conjuntos: 07 Física e Química + 19 Matemática A ou 02 Biologia e Geologia + 19 Matemática A ou 04 Economia + 19 Matemática A