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College of Chemistry of ULisboa (CQUL)

The College of Chemistry of ULisboa (CQUL) brings together professors and researchers from the various Schools of the University of Lisbon (ULisboa) with activity in Chemistry, contributing to the cohesion and better use of the University's human and material resources within the scope of teaching and research.

The College should be able to articulate the multiple competences in the area of ​​Chemistry at the ULisboa, creating new inter-School dynamics that will lead to the multiplication of joint and innovative initiatives in doctoral programs, research projects, technological development, etc., which may contribute towards the competitiveness of an area with a long tradition at this University and of recognized international merit. It is hoped, therefore, to consolidate the ULisboa's reference position in the field of Chemistry at the national level and also to expand its role in international consortia.

The proposal for the creation of the College was elaborated by a commission that integrated professors from the Faculties of Sciences (FC), Pharmacy (FF), Medicine (FM) and Human Motricity (FMH), Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA) and Instituto Superior Técnico (IST).


The general aims of the College of Chemistry concern to promote:

  • Cohesion at the ULisboa and the best use of its human and material resources
  • Collaboration among ULisboa Schools in teaching and research
  • Collaboration between ULisboa Schools and external institutions, particularly with regard to upper and lower secondary education and the business sector
  • Chemistry in all its scientific and technological aspects
  • The interdisciplinarity of the various fields of Chemistry
  • The transdisciplinarity of Chemistry with other sciences in which it plays a key role, such as materials, biological, pharmacological, medicinal, agronomic, forestry and environmental sciences


At the time of its foundation, the CQUL comprises the Divisions of:

  • Energy & Environment
  • Life & Health
  • Materials
  • Technology & Industry

Coordination Council

Elected for the three-year period of 2017-2019 and being composed by:

Armando Pombeiro (IST)

Divisions’ Presidents

  • Francisco Lemos (IST) [Energy & Environment]
  • Helena Pereira (ISA) [Life & Health]
  • Mário Berberan-Santos (IST) [Materials]
  • Carlos Castro (FC) [Technology & Industry]

Deputy Presidents

  • Maria José Calhorda (FC) [for Research]
  • Maria Matilde Marques (IST) [for Pedagogical Affairs]
  • António Almeida (FF) [for External Relations]
  • Mª Fátima Guedes da Silva (IST) [for Communication & Image]

Divisions’ Coordinators

  • Energy & Environment: Francisco Lemos (IST) (President), Jorge Correia (FC) and J. Gaspar Martinho (IST)
  • Life & Health: Helena Pereira (ISA) (Presidente), Rui Moreira (FF) and Filomena Carvalho Arêde (FM)
  • Materials: Mário Berberan-Santos (IST) (Presidente), Manuel Minas da Piedade (FC) and Ana Salomé Veiga (FM)
  • Technology & Industry: Carlos Castro (FC) (Presidente), Carlos Afonso (FF) and João Bordado (IST)

Executive Committees

  • For Research: Maria José Calhorda (FC) (President), Manuel Almeida (CTN-IST), Pedro Góis (FF), Isabel Miranda (ISA) and Sónia Gonçalves Abreu (FM)
  • For Pedagogical Affairs: Maria Matilde Marques (IST) (President), Maria Henriques Ribeiro (FF) and Amélia Pilar Rauter (FC)
  • For External Relations: António Almeida (FF) (President), Maria José Lourenço (FC), Carlos Henriques (IST) and Maria Amélia Lemos (IST)
  • For Communication & Image: M. Fátima Guedes da Silva (IST) (President), Judite Costa (FF) and Fernando Antunes (FC)

Mesa da Assembleia

  • Nuno Santos (FM) (President)
  • Cristina Bento (FMH) (Secretary)
  • Maria da Graça Soveral (FF) (Deputy Secretary)

Effective members of the CQUL are the faculty teachers and researchers with a link to any of the Schools of ULisboa, who adhere to it.

Associated members of CQUL are the retired professors from the ULisboa, researchers and doctoral fellows from the research units of ULisboa Schools who do not have such a link, as well as doctoral researchers with scholarships granted by the Schools and their institutions of interface of R&TD or other funding institutions, that adhere to the CQUL.



If you are interested, you can join the College of Chemistry of ULisboa by completing the following form (each member can register in two Divisions and, for the effective members, the first choice will represent the one where they can exercise their voting rights):



You can contact us through CQUL’s Science & Technology Manager, Nuno Conceição, by using the following e-mail address: .