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Programa Erasmus+ para mobilidade de Doutorandos

PhD students

The Erasmus+ Program promotes mobility for studies and internship for PhD students.

In the case of PhD students, in addition to the other options offered to all students and interns in the Erasmus+ programme, they can also, additionally, carry out periods of Short Term Mobility, adapting to their specific needs:

  • Short-term Mobility (specific for doctoral students (EQF level 8)): min. 5 days, max. 30 days (short term).
  • Scholarship: €70/day from the 1st to the 14th day and €50/day from the 15th to the 30th day.
  • Mobility for studies – takes place at a partner higher education institution in a Programme or Partner country (specifically the United Kingdom or Switzerland), requiring an Institutional Agreement.
  • Mobility for internship – takes place in a Higher Education Institution or organization active in the labor market of a Programme or Partner country (specifically United Kingdom or Switzerland);
  • Whenever possible, activities should be an integral part of the participant's study programme.


Doctoral students can carry out short Mobility periods in research laboratories, short training courses and any other activities related to the participant's study programme.

For more information and applications: consult the School's Mobility Office.

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