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Through the Erasmus+ Programme, European Universities are encouraged to organize their students’ mobility, strengthening cooperation ties between higher education institutions, but also with businesses and all kinds of institutions present in the job market.

This action is meant to promote the European scope on higher education, encouraging transnational cooperation among institutions, fostering European mobility, and improving academic transparency and recognition in all of the European Union. As such, the institutions see their educational contexts enriched.

The Programme provides the attendance of a study period, with full academic recognition, at a higher education institution based in an European Union country ,Turkey, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Croatia, Serbia or the Republic of North Macedonia.

The Erasmus+ Programme allows students to benefit from an international experience that will not only enhance them academically and scientifically, but also improve their cultural and educational knowledge about other European countries as well as their language skills.

Within the school year, students may carry out mobility periods of 3 to 12 months (minimum and maximum) at institutions covered by a valid Bilateral Agreement.

The Erasmus+ Programme allows students to carry out more than one mobility period per study cycle as long as:

| The overall mobility period does not exceed 12 months per study cycle (whether to study, for training or as newly graduates); for Integrated Masters’ Degree students, each cycle of studies (1st and 2nd) allows a 12 month mobility period.

Students of any study cycle (1st, 2nd or 3rd) may apply in compliance with the following requirements:

| Being enrolled as a regular student for a full degree (‘Licenciatura’ Degrees (1st Cycle) – BSc + Integrated Master Degrees (1st and 2nd Cycles) BSc + MSc; Master Degrees (2nd Cycle) MSc; Doctoral Degrees (3rd Cycle), regardless of nationality;
| For 1st cycle degree students, mobility is only available from the 2nd year onward;
| Mobility to the participant’s country of official residence is not allowed.

In addition, each School may establish its own selection and seriation criteria, according to each degrees’ specificities.

The application procedure usually takes place between December and April (as may be the case for your School) of the school year previous to the school year during which the mobility will be carried out. Some Schools may have a pre-application period or different application deadlines, while also organizing informative sessions to enlighten and motivate potential Erasmus students.

The applicant must contact his Erasmus/International Office, in order to gather information about application deadlines, eligibility and selection criteria and learn which foreign universities have valid Bilateral Agreements in her/his field of study.

Step by Step:

  • Browse the websites of Foreign Higher Education Institutions to collect information about the institution itself, study plans, application deadlines, school calendars, location, language courses, accommodation and other relevant information;
  • Apply at the Mobility / International Relations / Erasmus Office of your School, having all the information and documents required within the deadlines set and choosing, at most, 5 host institutions;
  • If pre-selected, define your study plan (Learning Agreement) and submit it for approval by the Erasmus Scientific Coordinator of your course;
  • Fill in and deliver to the Mobility / International Relations / Erasmus Office of your school all the supporting documents for the formalization of the mobility with the host institution;
  • The Mobility / International Relations / Erasmus Office of each School will nominate the selected students with the respective host institutions;
  • Make your application to the host institution (you should obtain information about the form and deadlines of application on the website of the host institution [IA] or by directly contacting the Mobility / International
  • Relations / Erasmus Office of the IA). If the application to the host institution is formalized online, directly by the student, you should inform the Mobility / International Relations / Erasmus Office of your home school;
  • Subsequently, you will receive from the host institution a letter of acceptance, as well as information about the school calendar, the host session and other practical information (these procedures may vary from institution to institution);
  • The Mobility / International Relations / Erasmus Office of your School will ask you to fill in several documents that will serve as a basis for the opening of your application and the issuing of the respective Erasmus+ Student Grant Agreement;
  • You should also request your European Health Insurance Card (insert associated link), through Social Security Services, ADSE or other Health subsystems, as appropriate;
  • You should research and arrange accommodation and travel;
  • You should also sign the Erasmus+ Student Grant Agreement, which is the final document that formalizes your Erasmus Student Status, and, if applicable, will allow you to receive your grant.  
  • From this school year on (2020-2021), the signature of the Erasmus Grant Agreement will be done digitally, in an easier, faster and more convenient way, using the digital signature through the activation of the Digital Mobile Key (CMD)

The Erasmus Mobility Grant aims to cover extra expenses that result from the difference of living costs between the home and host country.

Being selected to carry out an Erasmus mobility does not necessarily involve being a beneficiary of a financed mobility grant.

| The amount of each grant is set for each academic year. The European Commission has established 3 groups of countries (1 – high cost of livin; 2 – medium cost of living; 3 – low cost of living), based on which the National Agencies have defined identical and fixed grant rates.
| Grants will be assigned according to the host country’s rate and to an established number of mobility days, which may match the entire mobility period or may be combined with additional “zero grant” days (not financed).

It is not possible to assure that all students will be granted financial support, but all Erasmus mobility will still be supported institutionally, meaning that all students benefit from all the conditions and participating rights in the Erasmus Programme (exemption of paying tuition fees at the host institution and access to its services during the Erasmus mobility period).

Practical matters such as accommodation and travelling are entirely the students’ responsibility.

Grant Payment

| All participating students that are granted with financial support must have a VAT Number (NIF) and a Portuguese International Bank Account Number (IBAN);
| Before the Erasmus mobility starts, Schools establish and communicate the list of students selected for financial support with the corresponding amounts;
| If a grant is assigned, its payment will made in the 30 days following the grant agreement signature.


Erasmus funding designed for grant support of mobility of students is provided by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ National Agency.

No sentindo de promover o envolvimento ativo dos participantes na adoção de práticas amigas do ambiente, no âmbito das suas atividades de mobilidade, o Programa Erasmus+ oferece incentivos pela realização de viagens mais sustentáveis.
Os estudantes e recém-diplomados que optem por realizar “viagens ecológicas” recebem uma contribuição única de 50 EUR como complemento e, adicionalmente, poderão receber, caso se justifique, até quatro dias de apoio individual adicional para cobrir os dias de viagem de regresso.
De acordo com o Guia do Programa Erasmus+, entende-se por viagens ecológicas: Viagens em que a maior parte do trajeto é feita em meios de transporte de baixas emissões, como o autocarro, o comboio ou o automóvel partilhado.
Para que os beneficiários possam obter o complemento de viagens ecológicas, será necessário apresentar comprovativos para relativos às viagens de ida (de Portugal ao país de destino) e de regresso da mobilidade:

  • bilhetes e recibos de compra de viagens de comboios e/ou autocarros  
  • comprovativos de portagem

O complemento é pago no final da mobilidade, com a 2.ª tranche da bolsa Erasmus, mediante a validação dos comprovativos entregues pelo participante.

Before Leaving:

Make sure that the Mobility / International Relations / Erasmus Office of your School has sent:
| The nomination/application form to the host institution;
| The Academic Records;
| The Certificate of linguistic knowledge, which may also be sent by students, through the results obtained in the OLS - Online Linguistic Support test;
| The Language Course Certificate (if applicable);
| The confirmation of your mobility dates (arrival and departure).
Make sure that you have delivered the Learning Agreement (LA), duly signed by the 3 interested parties (ULisboa School, the host institution and you), to the Mobility / International Relations / Erasmus Office of your School.

Make sure you handed-in your dully signed Learning Agreement (by the student, home institution and hosting institution) at the Erasmus/International Office.

Don’t Forget to bring with you:

| ID card or passport;
| European Health Insurance Card;
| Acceptance Letter from the host Institution;
| Confirmation of accommodation assignment (if relevant);
| Some pocket money for the first days.

Before going back please request:

| Declaration of Stay/Letter of Confirmation, with the dates of arrival and departure*, duly signed and stamped by the Host University, on the date of departure. *If you have had any period in virtual mobility, these dates must be expressed;
| Transcript of Records to be sent to the Office of Mobility/International Relations/Erasmus+ of your School at ULisboa.

When you get home:

| Hand-in the Declaration of Stay at your School’s Erasmus/International Office;
| After you hand-in your Declaration of Stay, you will be notified by email to complete and submit, within 15 days, a Participant’s Report using the European platform (Mobility Tool).

For more information, please contact your School’s Erasmus/International Office.

All curricular units accomplished by the Erasmus Students at their host University must be fully recognized at the home institution as long as they match what was previously established in the Learning or Training Agreement.

Any changes to the initially approved Learning/Training Agreement must be immediately conveyed and approved by the home institution.

Erasmus mobility is also recognized through the Diploma’s Supplement. Upon requesting for your degree conclusion certificate, confirm that your Erasmus mobility appears on the Diploma’s Supplement.

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