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rapariga erasmus grd


To improve the Erasmus + experience, the contracts will be processed in a digital version in order to make participation more agile and less bureaucratic.

This process, which involved issuing and signing in person, will be carried out in a more convenient and quick manner without the need for scheduling and a trip to the Rectory.

Below you will find a set of FAQ's so that you can clarify all questions.

If you have additional questions, please send an email to

As of 2020/21, Erasmus+ Grant Agreements will be in exclusively digital format, which presupposes that they are signed digitally, through a certified signature (activation of the Digital Mobile Key*).

To do so, you must obtain your digital mobile key in order to sign your Erasmus+ grant agreement.

*FAQ’s about Digital Mobile Key

To sign your Erasmus+ Grant Agreement with Digital Mobile Key you need to apply online at: It can be requested using the access data to portal das finanças, or at a reception desk

  • have the Digital Mobile Key activated
  • have the CMD digital signature activated
  • CMD signature PIN code (which may be different from CMD PIN code)

The CMD access password is sent by mail within 5 days from the date of the online request and users, national or foreign*, should activate their CMD until 23:59 of the day they receive the letter and should, for security reasons, change the access password on their 1st access.

*Foreign citizens must apply to the CMD at a reception desk (Cf. CMD website) in order to associate it with their residence permit and/or passport.


This solution represents the most agile, fast and convenient way to sign your Erasmus+ Grant Agreement.

As soon as your Erasmus+ grant agreement is available, you will be informed by email. Check its information and sign it through the Digital Mobile Key. Submit it to the Fénix platform of the Rector’s Office Central Servives, so that we can continue your process and the pay the Erasmus+ grant.

The European Union's higher education strategy for 2020-25, based on the European Student Card Initiative (insert associated link), aims to streamline student mobility in the European Education Area by abolishing obstacles to mobility through various actions, including the dematerialisation of processes associated with the Erasmus+ programme and its switchover to digital means.

In line with this strategy, ULisboa is reorganising the way it manages the Erasmus+ Programme in order to improve the experience of its students.

Gradually the Erasmus+ mobility processes will be dematerialised, making their participation more agile and less bureaucratic.

In order to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic situation, the European Union has allowed a virtual mobility period to be considered in the mobility activities of the Erasmus+ programme, always linked to a physical mobility period in the host institution.

Blended mobility is a mobility that combines the period of physical mobility with on-site activities, with a period of virtual learning/activity before or after that physical mobility.

Yes, although an Erasmus+ mobility is only eligible if it comprises a period of physical mobility at the host institution, so virtual mobility should always be considered within a blended (virtual and physical) mobility period.

The minimum duration of mobility in the host HEI with physical activities, 90 days for studies (SMS) and 60 days for traineeships (SMP) is maintained. If there is no guarantee of in-person activities with this minimum duration, students will not be able to integrate the Erasmus+ Programme, nor will they be entitled to any Erasmus+ Individual Support Grant.

Participants will only be entitled to the Erasmus+ individual support grant during the physical part of their mobility. 


If there is no need to stay in the host country, and if there is no academic reason associated to that, the virtual mode should be carried out in Portugal, because during that period, the participant will not be entitled to the Erasmus+ individual support grant.

If the mobility is blended, during the period of "virtual mobility" you will not receive an Erasmus+ individual support grant. It will only be awarded to you for the physical mobility period, which presupposes the existence of physical activities in the host institution, and which requires the fulfilment of a minimum duration of 60 days for traineeships (SMP) and/or 90 days for studies (SMS), as previously mentioned.

If your mobility is totally physical, you will receive 80% of the total amount of your grant, after the signature of your Erasmus+ grant agreement; the remaining grant amount (if applicable), you will receive it at the end of your mobility and after the delivery of all the required final documentation.

In the case of blended mobility, which starts with a virtual mobility period, the grant will be awarded at the beginning of the "physical mobility" period.


In this case, the participants forced to interrupt their period of physical mobility and to return early, should keep the documents proving this change (e-mails from the host institution), so that ULisboa can refer it for analysis as "force majeure" situations. In these situations, the participants must immediately inform the Mobility / International Relations / Erasmus Office of their ULisboa School.

It is important to identify which documents (collect templates/models in advance from the Mobility / International Relations / Erasmus Office of your ULisboa School) will be requested when you return to Portugal - up to 15 days after your return, you must deliver:

  • Declaration of Stay/Letter of Confirmation, duly dated and signed by the host institution at the date of your departure;
  • If the mobility is blended (virtual and physical), the dates corresponding to the period of mobility with physical activities at the host institution and the dates corresponding to the period of virtual mobility must be unequivocally explicit;
  • Traineeship Certificate (in the case of traineeships) / Transcript of Records;
  • Submission of the Erasmus Participant’s Report (EU Survey) online.

 We do not advise you to incur in expenses (travel and accommodation), without proper confirmation, from the host institution, on how you will have your mobility (either for studies or traineeship) in person.

When you purchase the trip and accommodation, always confirm the possibility of being reimbursed in case the trip is cancelled due to new restrictions in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.

We suggest that you postpone your financial expenses to the maximum,

Before departure, check the information available on the website of the host institution, and in the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the host country’s website, to be aware of any constraints on entry into the host country and the restrictions COVID-19 in force at the time of your departure.

More information