Identity and Graphic Standarts
A marca ULisboa representa a aliança entre a forte herança clássica das duas instituições que a antecederam: uma instituição com história, com todas as áreas do saber, serviços variados, centrada nas pessoas, situada na Cidade de Lisboa e com as portas abertas para Portugal e para o mundo.
Visual identity of Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa)
To promote and facilitate the understanding of the rules regarding the use of the institution's visual identity, Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) provides a Handbook of Graphic Standards aimed at the entire academic community, but also to society at large.
This manual provides the main rules of the use of identity resulting from the most common situations.
Compliance with these standards is very important for effective image communication (brand), its positioning and differentiation, and it is crucial that the use of the elements of this kit rigorously follows the rules found therein.
Logo - vertical version (main) (EPS, PDF, JPG, PNG)
Logo - horizontal version (EPS, PDF, JPG, PNG)