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Cinema na Universidade

Cinema at ULisboa

The Cinema project at Universidade de Lisboa has its very own cultural programme. With the aim of fostering cultural experience and bringing it closer to the ULisboa community and society in general, it now presents the "Transformações" Cinema Cycle.


“Transformações” Cinema Cycle

November 4th to 29th, 2023

“Cinema, Audiovisual and Contemporary Imaginaries” Cluster, coordinated by Professora Mariana Liz, Centre for Comparative Studies, School of Arts and Humanities, ULisboa.


In the course of every being's life, a multitude of transformations take place. In the world of literature, Gregor Samsa was transformed into an insect. In physics, Émilie du Châtelet revealed that energy can neither be created nor obliterated. In cinema, metamorphosis has served as both a narrative theme and a symbolic motif. This film series focuses on the different strands that have passed through us, as individuals, as well as a society, from the 1960s to the modern day. It screens five films that address such diverse transformations as the rural exodus, urban planning, gender (dis)equality, climate changes, migrations as well as dictatorial regimes, in order to emphasise that in the arts, as in life, nothing is lost, but everything is transformed.

This programme will be screened over the month of November 2023, in five cinema sessions that will be attended by ULisboa researchers and professors.

Free admission, subject to capacity.