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Erasmus + is the EU Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sports, for the period 2014-2020. It has replaced the Lifelong Learning Programme (Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius, etc.), which ran between 2007 and 2013. It also includes actions that were part of other programs: Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, Alfa, Edulink.

At the higher education level, the Programme unfolds into the following actions and key-actions:

Key-Action 1: Learning mobility of individuals

Student and staff mobility

This action pursues the work previously done within the LLP-Erasmus Programme, allowing mobility among students, graduates, professors, executive and administrative staff, for learning, teaching and training periods in Europe and outside of Europe, through International Credit Mobiliy.

Joint Master Degrees

This action funds prestigious Joint Master Degrees in Europe (previously known as Mundus Programme Master degrees EMMC).

Joint Master Degrees are integrated international advanced study programmes – international Master Degrees – of 60, 90 or 120 ECTS, jointly delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions.

In the end, a joint or multiple degree is granted and it must be fully recognized by the national authorities in charge.

The Programmes are meant for students from anywhere in the World (scholarships are to be granted).

Key-Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Strategic Partnerships

Institutions are given the opportunity to cooperate towards implementing innovative practices leading to education, training, high quality learning, institutional modernization and social innovation.

Knowledge Alliances

Higher education institutions and businesses form large-scale partnerships in order to promote creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.

These partnerships target cooperation between organizations established in Programme Countries and also with Partner Countries (not as applicants) if they bring an essential added value to the project. The projects are open to any subject, sector and to cross-sectoral cooperation.

The aim is to strengthen Europe’s innovation capacity and foster innovation in higher education and business.

Key-Action 3: Support for policy reform

It provides grants for a wide variety of actions aimed at stimulating innovative policy development, policy dialogue and implementation, and the exchange of knowledge in the fields of education, training and youth.

Jean Monnet

Jean Monnet Activities are designed to promote excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide. The activities also foster the dialogue between the academic world and policy-makers, in particular with the aim of enhancing governance of EU policies.

Main Activities:

| Jean Monnet Teaching and Research
| Modules
| Chairs
| Centers of Excellence

Jean Monnet Support to Associations

Support to Associations

Jean Monnet Policy debate with the Academic World




This action is meant to develop and implement joint sports activities and physical activity, to acknowledge and implement innovative activities in the areas of sports, and to manage non-profit sports awareness events.



A Ação-Chave 1, Mobilidade de estudantes e pessoal para aprendizagem permite a Mobilidade de estudantes e pessoal do Ensino Superior, dando continuidade às atividades de mobilidade Erasmus, com algumas novidades, como por exemplo a mobilidade para fora da Europa, através do International Credit Mobility.

Esta Ação permite ainda a constituição de Consórcios Internacionais de Instituições de Ensino Superior para a realização de Mestrados Conjuntos.

A Ação-Chave 2, Inovação e boas-práticas, prevê o estabelecimento de Parcerias Estratégicas oferecendo às instituições a oportunidade de cooperar para implementar práticas inovadoras, que conduzam à modernização institucional e à inovação social.

No mesmo âmbito, esta ação permite o estabelecimento de Alianças do Conhecimento parcerias em larga escala entre as instituições de ensino superior e empresas, para promover a criatividade, a inovação e o empreendedorismo e ainda apoia o Reforço de capacidades no domínio do ensino superior através da modernização, acessibilidade e internacionalização do Ensino Superior nos países parceiros do Programa.

A Ação-Chave 3, Apoio à Reforma Política destina-se a fomentar a participação dos jovens na democracia, especialmente na discussão e debate com políticos, bem como ao desenvolvimento de conhecimento nos campos da educação, formação e juventude.

As atividades Jean Monnet têm como objetivo promover, a nível mundial, o ensino e a investigação de excelência sobre a União Europeia.

O Programa conta ainda com uma ação direccionada ao Desporto, destinada ao desenvolvimento e implementação de atividades conjuntas de desporto, atividade física, desenvolvimento de atividades inovadoras na área desportiva e gestão de eventos não-lucrativos de incentivo à participação no desporto.