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Foundation of the first portuguese university by the King D. Dinis, in Lisbon
The university is moved to Coimbra.
Foundation of Class of Commerce.
Foundation of Figure Drawing and Civil Architecture Class (commonly known as the Class of Doodle).
Foundation of Lisbon’s Royal School of Surgery.
Foundation of the Veterinary Medicine School.
Foundation of the Fine Arts Academy of Lisbon from the Figure Drawing and Civil Architecture Class.

Foundation of the Conservatory of Arts and Crafts of Lisbon.
Lisbon’s Royal School of Surgery becomes the Medical-Surgical School of Lisbon.
Foundation of the School of Pharmacy close to the Medical-Surgical School of Lisbon

Foundation of the Polytechnic School of Lisbon.
Conservatory of Arts and Crafts of Lisbon joined the Polytechnic School of Lisbon.
Foundation of the Agricultural Institute of Lisbon and Foundation of the Industrial Institute of Lisbon.
Veterinary Medicine School joined the Agricultural Institute of Lisbon.
Foundation of the Arts and Humanities degree in Lisbon.
Agricultural Institute of Lisbon becomes the General Institute of Agriculture.
Commercial School joined the Industrial Institute of Lisbon, which became known as the Industrial and Commercial Institute of Lisbon (ICIL).
General Institute of Agriculture became the Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine.
Foundation of the Colonial School.
Foundation of the School of Veterinary Medicine and the School of Agriculture from the former Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine.
Foundation of University of Lisbon,

from the merger of Faculty of Medicine (former Medical-Surgical School), Faculty of Sciences (former Polytechnic School) and Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former Arts and Humanities Degree). The School of Commerce and School of Engineering were created from the division of the Industrial and Commercial Institute of Lisbon

Foundation of the Faculty of Law and Normal School within University of Lisbon.
School of Veterinary Medicine became the High School of Veterinary Medicine.
Foundation of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon from the School of Pharmacy.
Faculty of Fine Arts and Faculty of Dental Medicine joined University of Lisbon.
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa was created

with Escola Superior de Medicina Veterinária, o Instituto Superior de Agronomia, o Instituto Superior de Ciências Económicas e Financeiras (anterior Instituto Superior de Comércio) e o Instituto Superior Técnico. Extinção da Escola Normal Superior da Universidade de Lisboa e criação do Curso de Ciências Pedagógicas da Faculdade de Letras.

Foundation of the National Institute of Physical Education.
Colonial School became the Institute of Overseas Studies.
School of Fine Arts of Lisbon became the Faculty of Fine Arts of Lisbon.
Institute of Overseas Studies joined Technical University of Lisbon and became the School of Social Sciences and Overseas Politics.
Institute of Economic and Financial Sciences became the Institute of Economics.
School for Social Sciences and Overseas Politics became the Institute of Social and Political Sciences (ISCSP).
Foundation of the Institute of Physical Education of Technical University of Lisbon from the National Institute of Physical Education.
The Faculty of Architecture is founded, integrating the Technical University of Lisbon.
Foundation of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of University of Lisbon.
Foundation of the School of Fine Arts of Lisbon from the Academy of Fine Arts of Lisbon.
Foundation of the Institute of Social Sciences of University of Lisbon.
Foundation of Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning of University of Lisbon.

Division of the Faculty of Psychology and the Institute of Education of  University of Lisbon.

Foundation of Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) resulting from the merger of University of Lisbon and Technical University of Lisbon.