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Foreign Language Courses

The Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) has a policy of providing its students who participate in the Erasmus + Programme, among other possibilities, the opportunity to attend a language course in German, French or Italian for the semester prior to their mobility.

The language courses are aimed at students from all ULisboa Schools, allowing them to acquire and develop language skills which will enable them to keep up with classes at the host institution, as well as ease their adaptation to the host country.

The courses are organized with the Language Centre at ULisboa’s School of Arts and Humanities, where they take place.


To be a student at ULisboa and to be selected to participate in the ERASMUS+ Programme.


Registration fee of 40 €.

To learn more about registration and attending these courses, students must contact their School’s International Relations/ERASMUS Office.

Certification and ECTS:

At the end of the course, the students who attended a minimum of 75% of the classes and were assessed, will receive a Certificate and recognition of 4 ECTS.

More information:

For further information regarding the registration and attendance of the courses, students must contact their School’s International Relations/ERASMUS Office.