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Empresas na Incubadora da ULisboa

Incubated Companies

The TTC@ULisboa supports entrepreneurs and companies, providing them with conditions for development in the early stages of their existence, with regard to innovative products/services linked to ULisboa's strategic areas, through the provision of specialized facilities and services.

Incubated companies are those that have been on the market for less than 5 years.
An Incubated company is an individual or legal entity admitted to the TTC@ULisboa, also known as an entrepreneur, businessman, promoter or researcher.

Within an Incubation process, companies can be integrated into various phases:

  • Incubation phase 0-6 months: this is a mode in which services offered by ULisboa are made available at a minimum cost for a period of 6 months;
  • Incubation phase 6-24 months: mode in which services are made available, at a higher cost than the previous phase, for a period of 18 months;
  • Incubation phase 24-48 months: Phase in which an intermediate cost is applied, given the robustness that the company has already acquired during its first 2 years;
  • Post-Incubation Phase: extension of the Incubation period whenever there are conditions that justify it, such as the particularities of the products and/or markets, until the company achieves the necessary skills to leave the TTC@ULisboa;

Regardless of the stage of incubation, companies are classified into the following classes:

Start-Ups: young, innovative companies, in any area or branch of activity, seeking to develop a scalable and repeatable business model.

Spin-Offs: companies that are born out of a ULisboa research group, in principle with the aim of exploring a new high-tech product or service.

Other entities or success stories: companies that have demonstrated successful products/services, or are still in business after the 5-year incubation phase.


There are currently the following companies in the Incubation phase:



Other entities or success stories

Research and Partners

Internal services available


Lisboa 2020