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EIT Health

EIT Health is a Knowledge Innovation Community (KIC) launched by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) and it’s dedicated to the field of active aging and healthy living.

It involves approximately 140 partners from several European countries, including companies in the fields of information and communication technologies (ICT), equipment suppliers, public and private healthcare providers, local authorities, universities and research centres.

EIT Health headquarters are in Munich and its partners are divided into six co-location centres (set in UK/Ireland; Scandinavia; Spain; France; Germany/Switzerland; Belgium/Netherlands) and EIT Health Innostars. EIT Health Innostars gathers regional clusters (Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Italy and Portugal) that seek out to maximize the potential for the establishment of innovative clusters.

Its strategy is based on the so-called Knowledge Triangle, integrating training with innovation projects and the creation and acceleration of companies. With a budget of approximately 2.000 million euros over the next few years, EIT Health seeks to innovate while contributing to the development of new products, concepts and services in a market-driven strategy. This strategy is expected to contribute to improve the quality of life of European citizens and promote the sustainability of health systems while facing the demographic changes brought by the aging of the European society.

In 2018, the anticipated activities, now in growth phase, are expected to attain the following:

  • Support the development of 90 new products / services annually;
  • The creation of 70 start-ups;
  • The participation of 1 million students in online educational programs;
  • Incubation of 140 new business ideas.

Universidade de Lisboa in the EIT Health

The Universidade de Lisboa is involved in the EIT Health Innostars. The Lisbon node is also composed by the Lisbon City Council, GLINTT, North Lisbon Hospital Centre (Academic Medical Centre of Lisbon) and University of Évora.

Through its capacity of linking Health Sciences with ICT, the Universidade de Lisboa intends to position itself in the areas of public health and personalised medicine while crossing the activities of the University's various research centres and schools.

ULisboa on-going projects in 2017

Frailty, Falls, and Functional Loss Education, co-ordinated by the Faculty of Human Kinetics (Faculdade de Motricidade Humana);

Master programme in Technological Innovation in Health, with the participation of the Técnico Lisboa (Instituto Superior Técnico).

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