Physics Engineering
In its tradition of high quality, keeping relevant, up to date and international, to respond to contemporary societal challenges, IST launched LEFT in 1984/85. The curriculum of the course is based on the recognition that scientific, technological, economic, human and social progress can be achieved through:
• understanding the fundamentals of physics and engineering, which allows quickly assessing what needs to be done; be able to acquire the necessary tools and apply them efficiently;
• stimulating the development of critical thinking, rigorous analysis, and agility of thought;
• imagination, creativity, entrepreneurial spirit and management skills to identify needs, find new solutions, and solve problems;
• the development of communication skills, teamwork, understanding global and current issues, skills, necessary to work effectively with anyone, anywhere.
The Degree in Physics Engineering (LEFT) aims to prepare graduates to respond to the new challenges of the 21st century, following the recommendations of the World Economic Forum for education (The Future of Jobs, World Economic Forum). The focus of LEFT's mission is to train its graduates with the necessary skills to respond to the scientific, technological and societal challenges that occur at the frontier of knowledge, in areas where Physics, Engineering and Technology are articulated and enhanced. Thus, the goal of LEFT is to provide education at a high quality standard, with training focused on digital fluency and skills in STEM subjects; promote diversified and socially relevant training; encourage continuous learning and support the development of creativity and innovation. The acquired skills facilitate the mobility of the graduate for the 2nd cycle of Technological Physics Engineering, as well as other master's degrees in related subjects.
National contest
07 Física e Química + 19 Matemática A