Psychomotor Rehabilitation
a) Assess and diagnose psychomotor development
b) Design, implement and evaluate Psychomotor Intervention programs
c) Identify contextual factors conditioning psychomotor development
d) Guiding and advising in the areas of intervention of Psychomotricity, at the personal, family and community level
e) Provide basic knowledge of scientific research methodology
In Health, (Hospital Consultations for Development, Psychiatry and Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine; Development Centers; Health Centers and various Mental Health services); Social Security (Institutions for people with disabilities; Nursing Homes, Day Care Centers, Shelters, Occupational Centers); Education (schools, study centers); Contexts of Recreation and Leisure and Justice (Shelters). The training of thePsychomotor Therapist in the 1st cycle aims to train professionals capable of acting in these different professional fields and for the needs in different stages of life. A Psychomotor Therapist may act in a Preventive, educational ou therapeutcal way.
National contest
Um dos seguintes conjuntos: 02 Biologia e Geologia + 18 Português ou 02 Biologia e Geologia + 16 Matemática