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Art Education

Faculty of Fine Arts

This Master aims to:

Implement a quality training in the agents that primarily act on the reference systems of culture and aesthetic and artistic education. Provide the theoretical and practical tools that enable, in an updated and global perspective, an intervention in this area of knowledge and action. Provide a comprehensive view of the role of arts in the development of personality, as in the cognitive structuring and socio-emotional processes. Develop the ability to create and implement new methods and working tools, as well as define educational strategies in the development of expression, creativity and visual thinking. Therefore, it’s intended to create professionals capable of:

Participate in the production of cultural programs for television, cinema, radio or web.

Organize events and cultural performances.

Participate in activities of cultural entertainment with local authorities, museums, foundations, corporations and galleries.

Participate in activities of inventorying and safeguarding of cultural and artistic heritage.

Develop activities related to cultural tourism.

Entrepreneurship in the areas of leisure and culture

Access and ingress

Critérios de Admissão

Holders of the licenciado degree or legal equivalent in the areas of art, sciences of art and social sciences;
Holders of foreign academic degree conferred following a 1st cycle of studies organized according to the principles of the Bologna Process by a State acceding to this process, in the areas of art, sciences of art and social sciences;
Holders of other degrees or legal equivalent, whose curriculum vitae demonstrates professional activity in the artistic area (training or education);
Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum recognized by the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Fine Arts as attesting the capacity to attend the study programme.

Fee – 1st year (indicative)
1 400,00€
Fee - remaining years (indicative)
1 250,00€

International student contest

Fee – 1st year (indicative)
4 000,00€
Fee - remaining years (indicative)
2 000,00€
MSc - Master Degree
Duração em Semestres
Time period


A3ES Accreditation

Decision date
Accreditation dealine

DGES registration

Registation Nr.
R/A-Ef 1840/2011
Registration date