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Faculty of Sciences

The Chemistry Master (MChem) of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FCUL) aims to provide students with advanced training in emerging areas of Chemistry, supported by a solid theoretical and experimental component in various basic branches, and in the development of decision-making skills, strategic thinking, and organizational skills.

The first year of the MChem degree offers a solid formation in Chemistry to students coming from first cycles with less focused curricula in Chemistry, while allowing those who already have intermediate competences in this area to consolidate and expand their knowledge in more specialized areas not addressed in the undergraduate studies. In each of the three areas of specialization, students are prepared to solve problems and acquire technical skills through case studies, laboratory demonstrations or experiments, as well as direct contact with top-of-the line methodologies and instrumentation. Students also acquire training in areas of management and planning, communication skills, and ability to and learn to communicate fundamental themes in a business and academic environment.

In the second academic year, students will carry out a dissertation project in one of FCUL's laboratories or, instead, in a laboratory of national or international institutions or companies (under the Erasmus+ program) with collaboration protocols with FCUL, which constitutes a significant added value for the students' preparation. This dissertation will be preceded by a course (Seminar) where students will learn to collect and critically organize scientific information on the topic of their dissertation and on the methodologies to be used, and to present and discuss them orally.

The FCUL's MChem degree is clearly differentiated from other master’s degrees in related areas such as Bio-Organic Chemistry, geared towards the development and study of organic compounds and biomolecules, or Chemical Engineering and Technological Chemistry, oriented to the large-scale development of products and to the management, at various levels, of industrial units. Its program, designed to provide students with a wide-ranging and distinctive preparation focused on research, analytical processes, laboratory experience, product development and communication and management skills, allows the integration of graduates into the demanding labor market of the science and technology sector. The MChem also allows access to the 3rd Cycle of studies in several scientific areas.

Career prospects

Chemical and petrochemical industry | Agrochemical industry | Pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry| Food industry | Analytical and quality control laboratories | Environmental control laboratories | Forensic and criminal investi-gation laboratories | Food safety and defense laboratories | Delivery of services, audit, and consultancy companies | Scientific equipment companies | Academic and research institutes | Scientific research.

Access and ingress

Critérios de Admissão

Holders of BSc in Chemistry or related areas.

Fee – 1st year (indicative)
1 060,00€
Fee - remaining years (indicative)
1 060,00€

International student contest

Fee – 1st year (indicative)
7 000,00€
Fee - remaining years (indicative)
7 000,00€
MSc - Master Degree
Duração em Semestres
Time period


A3ES Accreditation

Decision date
Accreditation dealine

DGES registration

Registation Nr.
R/A-Ef 1922/2011
Registration date