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Environmental Engineering

IST Técnico Lisboa

The Master in Environmental Engineering has as main objective to train engineers with the capacity to analyze and solve environmental problems and to manage natural resources. Students are trained in an integrated perspective (ecological, social, economic and technological) to manage the sustainable use of resources such as water, soil, air, ecosystems and raw materials, using tools for safeguarding, managing, preventing, treating and remediating problems.

The Study Cycle promotes the integration of the technological aspect of prevention and integrated pollution control with the management of environmental systems for an integrated management of the environment and human activities, with added value and reduced negative environmental impacts. As a transversal activity, Environmental Engineering favors interdisciplinarity, involving diverse and constantly updated knowledge and technologies, providing this Study Cycle with a wide range of optional Curricular Units to cover these needs.

An engineer must have the necessary training to face a new problem, be able to analyze it, identify the relevant characteristics and find the appropriate solutions. The aim of the Master in Environmental Engineering is to provide each

student with the skills to:

• easily adapt to technological changes;

• adapt existing methodologies to new problems;

• understand the economic, social and human aspects and their relationship with technical problems;

• develop personal

attitudes, such as creativity, permanent learning and updating, leadership and integration in teamwork, ethical and behavioral concerns;

• be aware that his/her choices have an environmental impact that needs to be assessed.

Career prospects

Técnico MSc graduates in Environmental Engineering are prepared to pursue a career in agencies related to the Environment, ministries, municipal city halls, consulting companies, industries, research and development and may work in:

• environmental problem analysis and solution;

• natural resource management;

• integrated planning and control of pollution, including waste, effluent and gaseous pollutant treatment;

• management of environmental systems oriented to problem solving through the optimization of soil and land use in order to lower the magnitude of negative environmental impacts;

• Consultancy, leadership, supervision and management;

• Vocational training and teaching.

Access and ingress

Fee – 1st year (indicative)
Fee - remaining years (indicative)

International student contest

Fee – 1st year (indicative)
7 000,00€
Fee - remaining years (indicative)
7 000,00€
MSc - Master Degree
Duração em Semestres
Time period


A3ES Accreditation

Decision date
Accreditation dealine

DGES registration

Registation Nr.
R/A-Cr 36/2021
Registration date