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Maritime History

School of Arts and Humanities

Acquisition of a training base in Maritime History,focusing on the technical aspects of navigation and on the History of maritime explorations.Awareness of the thematic range of Maritime History, which includes all aspects of human activity related to the sea (warfare and commercial navigation, ports and routes, fishing, naval power, maritime policy, coastal populations and migratory movements, among others),with a permanent connection to Social, Economic,Political, Cultural,and Mentalities History.Acquisition of research methods and techniques appropriate to the development of skills to prepare scientific and practical projects.Contribution to the development of studies in a field where the Portuguese Historiography has a pioneering and leading role at an international level (with regard to issues connected to the technical component of navigation).Intervention in multiple aspects of social reality that relate to the sea in all its aspects, through the specific competence they acquire.

Career prospects

Starting from basic academic training, it creates the conditions for its application to the production capacity of high-level original scientific works.

Access and ingress

Critérios de Admissão

Preference for graduation in History, Military Sciences, or other fields in Social Sciences. Personal interview.

Fee – 1st year (indicative)
1 200,00€
Fee - remaining years (indicative)
1 200,00€

International student contest

Fee – 1st year (indicative)
1 200,00€
Fee - remaining years (indicative)
1 200,00€
MSc - Master Degree
Duração em Semestres
Time period


A3ES Accreditation

Decision date
Accreditation dealine

DGES registration

Registation Nr.
R/A-Cr 7/2013
Registration date