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Molecular Science and Engineering

IST Técnico Lisboa

Molecular Science is a scientific area that deals with the chemistry of molecules, with a huge impact on the development of today’s society. Our students will acquire skills to develop new chemical compounds, polymers and nanomaterials that respond to societal, environmental, and industrial challenges, whether in the pharmaceutical or fine-chemical, agro-food or polymers and nanomaterials.

The students of Técnico MSc in Molecular Science and Engineering design new molecules using advanced molecular modelling tools, synthesize and characterize them using qualitative and quantitative laboratory experimental state of the art method. In addition, they work on optimizing the synthesis process of these compounds and materials, assessing individual and environmental risks, innovating on the sustainability side.

Career prospects

Técnico MSc graduates in Molecular Science and Engineering may work in industry and services, namely in research and development, or in academia in areas such as Fine Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Cosmetic Industry, Agri-food Industry, Polymers, Coatings, Nanomaterials, Environment and Energy. They are able to develop activities such as:

• Design and synthesis of new molecules;

• Development of sustainable chemicals;

• Study and development of new polymeric and nanomaterials architectures;

• Quality control;

• Marketing of products, equipment and processes;

• Consulting, leadership, leadership and management functions;

• Vocational training and education.

Access and ingress

Critérios de Admissão

Only the candidates who meet the requirements below may apply for the Master in Chemistry course:
- those who have concluded at IST a 1st cycle degree program, or the 1st cycle of an Integrated MSc Program, in which the acquired knowledge and skills satisfy the background needs to enroll in the course;
- those who hold a 1st cycle degree or its legal equivalent in the area of Science and Technology from a Portuguese higher education institution ;
-those who hold a higher education degree in the area of Science and Technology from a foreign institution corresponding to a 1st cycle study program organized according to the principles of the Bologna agreement and recognized as meeting the requirements of a 1st cycle diploma by the Scientific Council of IST;
- those who have an academic, scientific or professional background recognized by the Scientific Council of IST as demonstrating their ability to succeed in the course.

Fee – 1st year (indicative)
1 060,00€
Fee - remaining years (indicative)
1 060,00€

International student contest

Fee – 1st year (indicative)
7 000,00€
Fee - remaining years (indicative)
7 000,00€
MSc - Master Degree
Duração em Semestres
Time period


A3ES Accreditation

Decision date
Accreditation dealine

DGES registration

Registation Nr.
R/A- Ef 2172/2011
Registration date