Organismal and Evolutionary Biology
The Master in "Organismal and Evolutionary Biology" (formerly known as "Evolutionary and Developmental Biology") aims to provide an integrated view of biology from an organism-centered perspective, connecting concepts at various levels of biological organization: molecular, cellular, organismal and populational, from bacteria to humans. The study of Evolution provides a unifying and explanatory vision of the living world, revealing the mechanisms underlying its formation and providing conceptual tools to better prepare the future. The integrative approach adopted by this Master, both in its contents and in its practices, prepares students to face the present societal challenges and seek solutions, from regenerative medicine to cancer, from biological invasions to the effects of climate change. The Master's provides its students with a solid conceptual and technical preparation, developing their critical and analytical skills, essential to the pursuit of a research career in its fundamental and applied aspects, in cutting-edge areas of biology and biomedicine.
Higher education and research institutions | Companies and public institutions in the field of biology, biomedicine, biotechnology and conservation | Science Communication.
Access and ingress
Undergraduate university degree or legal equivalent in Biology or related areas is required.