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Congressos e Conferências

4th Annual Public Health Conference by RedeSaúde

The 4th Annual Public Health Conference of redeSAÚDE at ULisboa, under the theme "The Digital Context at the Public Health Service", took place in the Main Hall of the Rectory of the University of Lisbon, in hybrid mode.

Médico sentado à mesa com portátil à sua frente acena para o portátil, demonstrando uso de tecnologia em teleconsulta, e médica com óculos de realidade virtual ao lado, ilustração sobreposta ao portátil de uma relógio digital com dados de saúde

This conference occurred in the context of the Interdisciplinary Thematic Networks of the University of Lisbon, redeSAÚDE, promoting the public debate on important issues for all those concerned to advance on research, development and innovation activities, in the Health area and in particular, in the role that Technology plays in interconnecting organizations, professionals and citizens, with a focus on new opportunities and initiatives at the local level in Portugal.

The 4th Annual Public Health Conference brings together a wide range of specialists from Academy, Public and Private Health Organizations, as well as from the Ministry of Health, Tech Industry Organizations and Local Administration.

The conference is an initiative of the Health Systems and Digital Transition group of redeSAÚDE and has as Chairs, Professor Maria Helena Monteiro from the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences and Professor António Vaz Carneiro from the Faculty of Medicine.



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