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Agenda Cultural
Música na Universidade

Mário Laginha Trio - Presentation concert for the new album, “Jangada”

The presentation concert of the new album by Mário Laginha Trio, “Jangada”, takes place on June 2nd, at the Aula Magna and is a part of the Music at the University of Lisbon programme .

Mário Laginha Trio - Concerto de apresentação do novo álbum “Jangada”


With the absence of concerts due to the pandemic, we have decided that, every week, we would gather to play, enjoying an availability that we had rarely been given. They weren't rehearsals, there wasn't the pressure of a concert, or rushed trips to the studio. There was only the joy in creating music together. Over those months, we have been exploring in a totally new way the music that I have been writing for this trio in recent times (including the pandemic ones). When we finally recorded, the result was closer to our live concerts than to the studio work.

I like to think that in every theme there is a shared identity. Music is born with the composer 's identity, but it transforms and grows with Bernardo and Alexandre’s feedback, eventually gaining a bit of their DNA as well. The trunks of this “Jangada” (raft) are the influences that the three of us bring from jazz, Portuguese, Classical or African music. It is with them that music is born and it is with them that we sail.
There is a miraculous side to getting the pleasure that a group of musicians get from playing to be felt by people when they listen. We will always pursue that miracle.”

Mário Laginha

Tickets: Ticketline 



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Aula Magna da Universidade de Lisboa