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Congressos e Conferências

Tropical Summit 2024

Organised by the Tropical College of the University of Lisbon and the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa, the first Tropical Summit - Foreseeing Answers to Global Challenges, aims to bring together leaders from around the world to address the most pressing tropical challenges. It will take place at the Lisbon Congress Centre from 4 to 8 November 2024.

Logotipo do Tropical Summit

This event is being organised under the High Patronage of the President of the Portuguese Republic and with the support of the Institute for Cooperation and Language, Camões I.P..

The participation in the Tropical Summit represents an opportunity to present oral communications, organise side-events, collaborate as partners or act as delegates. The target audiences include agents from the diplomatic, business and innovation, academic, cultural and non-governmental sectors, among others. The diversity of the delegates' geographical and professional backgrounds will be a catalyst not only for stimulating dialogue, but also for the co-creation of tangible solutions capable of responding to the goals of the 2030 Agenda over the foreseeable horizon.


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Centro de Congressos de Lisboa