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Cursos e Workshops
Ciência e Investigação

Ulisses | Final Event

On July 21 st , at 2 P.M., will take place the presentation and discussion of this year's Final Project of the Ulisses Project at the Auditorium of the Lisbon Oceanarium.

Ulisses | Final Event

The University of Lisbon Interdisciplinary Studies on Sustainable Environment and Seas (ULISSES) is a project that provides students with a deep knowledge of ocean related problems. Participants are challenged to solve a pressing real life problem while working together in an interdisciplinary and international team.

This year, after a ten week online preparatory course, 34 students from ten different nationalities have been invited to Lisbon to solve an interdisciplinary problem where they were challenged to develop creative answers addressing plastic pollution in the North Atlantic Ocean, characterizing its impact on the maritime ecosystem, and proposing innovative solutions to enhance plastic recycling and minimize “ghost fishing”.

At the end of the three-week Project Phase, the 6 participating teams present the results of their work to all participants and to a panel of jurors.

Based on the jury's assessment, the winning team will be announced.

Registration is free but required in order to attend.


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Auditorium of the Oceanário de Lisboa