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European Universities Public Relations and Information Officers (EUPRIO)





The European Universities Public Relations and Information Officers – EUPRIO  was established in Brussels on 12 May 1986 with the support of officials from the European Community (now European Union), and it was announced to the public at a press conference of the Education Ministers of the Community in The Hague (the Netherlands) on 16 May 1986.

The aims of EUPRIO are: 

| to promote exchange of ideas, techniques and experiences amongst its members, both within the whole communication field and particularly from the institutions of higher education’s perspective; 

| to encourage and promote collaboration and partnership between European institutions of higher education and research in the field of communications; | to create a network to assist members in their tasks as professional communicators within their institutions; | to promote the professional excellence of all members in their work;

| to professionalise higher education information, public relations, marketing, and other forms of corporate communications by sharing ‘best practice’ and holding conferences, workshops and the like; 

| to represent European higher education communication in other organisations;

| to represent the interests of higher education communication in national and international policy making; 

| to encourage and enhance cooperation between European members and professionals in and outside Europe. 

EUPRIO has national representatives in 18 European countries, and members and supporters in even more. The annual conference is the most important meeting point for a EUPRIO member, to increase knowledge, exchange experience and meet colleagues from other countries. 

Networks and Associations