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Reopening of the Tropical Botanic Garden (JBT)

On January 25, at around 12:00, the reopening of the Tropical Botanic Garden will take place.


Closed since January 7 for renovation works, it reopens after the completion of the first phase of JBT’s Improvement and Rehabilitation Programme, which expects interventions on both its landscape and built patrimony.

Saturday, January 25

11:40 |Welcome reception for guests – Musical performance by the ULisboa’s Chamber Choir

12:00 |Official Inauguration Ceremony

12:30 |Guided tour with Arch. Luís Paulo Ribeiro


14.00 | Opening to the public (free entry)

14:30 | Tour: “Exposição do Mundo Português” (Portuguese World Exhibition), Margarida Magalhães Ramalho

14:30 | Tour: “Plantas na minha comida” (Plants in my food), Raquel Barata

15:30 | “Dança do Leão” (Lion’s Dance) performance


14h -17h | Garden sketchers

14h -17h | “Sentidos do Mundo” – market

14h -17h | Roasted chestnuts

14h -17h | Street Food


Sunday, January 26

11h00 | Tour: “Plantas do JBT e seus habitats naturais” (JBT’s plants and their natural habitat), César Garcia

12h00 | Tour: “Jardim Renascentista” (Renaissance Garden), Ana Godinho

14h30 | Tour: “As plantas do JBT, onde a ciência se concilia com a arte” (JBT’s plants, where science meets art), Ana Luísa Soares

15h30 | Portuguese Guitar concert, Manuel Ferreira


10h-17h | Garden sketchers

10h-17h |”Sentidos do Mundo” - market

10h-17h | Roasted chestnuts

10h-17h | Street Food


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