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3rd Innovation Week | Call for Abstracts


The Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) promotes its 3rd Innovation Week between the 3rd and 9th of May, 2017, which includes the Annual Conferences of ULisboa Interdisciplinary Thematic Networks.

Striving to be a premier forum for the presentation of scientific and technological advances in the fields of Agro-Food and Forestry (redeAGRO), Health (redeSAÚDE), Smart Urban Mobility (redeMOV), Ocean (redeMAR) and Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Transfer (redeVALOR), the 3rd Innovation Week will cover ULisboa key strategic areas while bringing together national and international leading scientists and stakeholders from both private and public sectors.

The Annual Conferences of ULisboa Interdisciplinary Thematic Networks will take on a new format in 2017, in which young researchers will participate, giving them the opportunity to publicly discuss their activities with academic, social and economic partners.

In this context, the Call for Abstracts is open, with an extended deadline until March 10, focusing on themes related to each of the networks, as detailed below:  

Call for Abstracts

ULisboa academics and researchers, preferably young scientists, are invited to submit abstracts to be presented at the Interdisciplinary Thematic Networks Annual Conferences, as detailed below:

redeAGRO  | “Foster innovation through Resilient and Efficient Agro-Food & Forestry Systems”

redeSAÚDE redeMOV | “Urban Mobility Innovation for a Changing Society”


Please find the Abstract submission guidelines and instructions here.  


Important dates

Abstract Submission | January 1 to February 28, 2017 - Extended to March 10, 2017

Notification of Acceptance | March 22, 2017

Final Programme | April 2017


Conference Dates:

redeAGRO: May 3, 2017

redeSAÚDE: May 4, 2017

redeMOV: May 5, 2017

redeMAR: May 8, 2017

redeVALOR: May 9,2017


Para que esteja sempre a par das atividades da ULisboa, nós levamos as notícias mais relevantes até ao seu email. Subscreva! 


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