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Diogo Silva, student of the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, wins Papers@USA 2023 grant

Diogo Gaspar Silva, a PhD student at IGOT and researcher at the Centre of Geographical Studies (CEG), has won a Papers@USA grant in a national contest in all scientific fields promoted by the Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD). The initiative aims to promote the internationalization of research conducted by Portuguese researchers through their participation in scientific meetings in the United States.

Diogo Silva, estudante do Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, vence bolsa Papers@USA 2023

With this award, Diogo Gaspar Silva will participate in the AAG (American Association of Geographers) Annual Meeting, which will be held in the city of Denver (Colorado), between March 23 and 27, 2023, with over 4500 presentations. His communication, entitled "'We Want to Sell Our City': Mobilising and Experimenting the Business Improvement District 'model' in Southern European Cities", is part of the student's PhD work programme. This communication, signed by Diogo Gaspar Silva, Jorge Malheiros, Kevin Ward and Herculano Cachinho, results from the collaboration between the Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa), the University of Barcelona and the University of Manchester in the study of Business Improvement Districts as forms of experimental urban governance.  


Source: IGOT.


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