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44 Professors and Researchers Distinguished in the 2022 University of Lisbon/Caixa Geral de Depósitos Scientific Awards

The ceremony for the University of Lisbon/Caixa Geral de Depósitos 2022 Scientific Awards took place on the 28 th of November, in the Main Hall of the Rectory of Universidade de Lisboa.

Distinguidos 44 Docentes e Investigadores nos Prémios Científicos Universidade de Lisboa/Caixa Geral de Depósitos 2022

In the 2022 edition, 44 Prizes and Honorable Mentions were awarded to Professors and Researchers from all scientific areas of the University of Lisbon.

These Awards aim to reward scientific research activity and encourage the practice of publication in international journals of recognized quality.

See here the List of Awardees and the List of Honorable Mentions awarded in this 2022 edition.



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