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Enhancing collaborations within Unite! - VII Unite! Dialogue

To start off with the new phase of the Erasmus+ project, the alliance will hold the 7th Unite! Dialogue hosted by Grenoble INP graduate school of engineering and management, from February 28 to March 2, 2023.

VII Unite! Dialogue

Grenoble INP-UGA is hosting the 7th Unite! Dialogue from the 28th February until the 2nd March, bringing together the whole Unite! community of the nine partner universities. After being granted additional funding for another four years in the Erasmus+ program, this particular Dialogue is the opportunity for all the members working in Unite! projects (Communities (E+), Work Packages (H2020), JPROV and IDEM) to gather and make decisions shaping the future of the Alliance.
The programme is still in its preliminary version for now, but the structure of the sessions has been defined in order to make it easier for the Unite! community to start planning their participation. The plenary session and the presentation of conclusions will be in hybrid format, and thereby available for all members of Unite! partners.
As usual, there will also be slots for Communities and Work Packages meetings during all three days. This Dialogue will specially encourage transversal sessions between communities. There will be an open transversal session between the Digital Campus Community and all other work groups, in the form of interactive round-tables.
We welcome everyone at our university who is collaborating within Unite! Erasmus+ and H2020 or other Unite! projects and initiatives to join this event.


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