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ULisboa Smart Urban Mobility (redeMOV) 2022 Prize | Applications until January 30th

The Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa), through Smart Urban Mobility (redeMOV) , an interdisciplinary thematic network in the field of smart urban mobility, is awarding the ULisboa- Smart Urban Mobility (redeMOV) 2022 Prize to distinguish the best Master's and PhD ‘Doctoral Degree’ (3rd Cycle) dissertations carried out at the Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa), related to smart urban mobility.

Prémio ULisboa RedeMOV 2021 | Candidaturas até 30 de janeiro

The ULisboa-Smart Urban Mobility (redeMOV) Prize aims to encourage study and research on the aforementioned theme.

The jury will be composed by:

   • Prof. Cecília Rodrigues (President)

   • Prof. Rosário Macário 

   • Prof. Nuno Marques da Costa 

   • Prof. Vítor Escária 

   • Prof. David Vale 

   • Prof. Teresa Vazão 


The prize, worth 2.500 euros for the best PhD ‘Doctoral Degree’ (3rd Cycle) dissertation and 1.500 euros for the best Master's dissertation, will be awarded for the second time in 2022 according to the Regulation, also available at the ULisboa Smart Urban Mobility (redeMOV) Prize page.

Authors of master's and PhD ‘Doctoral Degree’ (3rd Cycle) dissertations whose exams took place in the calendar year 2021 may apply for the ULisboa Smart Urban Mobility (redeMOV) Prize - 2022.

All those who meet the conditions established in the Regulations may submit their application by filling in the Application Form, which should be sent with a digital copy of the final work to the email until January 30th, 2023.

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