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Museus e Jardins

Reopening of ULisboa Botanical Gardens

The Lisbon Botanical Garden and the Tropical Botanical Garden are now open to the public with specific rules.

jardins ULisboa

The Lisbon Botanical Garden and the Tropical Botanical Garden are now open but with specific rules.
Due to the COVID_19 pandemic development, both Ulisboa’s Botanical Gardens are open for the community entrance under the following conditions:

• Opening Hours: 10 am to 8 pm

• Free Entrance interruption(Sunday at JBL and Monday at JBT)

• Body temperature below 38ºC – mandatory body temperature measurement for all employees and visitors;

• Groups up to 5 people;

• Minimum social distance of 2m;

• Mandatory use of mask  atthe ticket office of JBL and WC’s in both gardens

• Maximum number of visitors, simultaneously: 80 JBL and 120 JBT

The Universidade de Lisboa/ Ulisboa  is following all directions  from the Directorate-General for Health (DGS). These measures will be adjusted according to the necessity and development of the pandemic .
he National Museum of Natural History and Science is closed until further notice.


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