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ULisboa among the best universities in the world

Ranking CWRU 2017

The Center for World University Rankings (CWRU) has, once more, ranked Universidade de Lisboa among the best in the World within a universe of 22.770 assessed universities. ULisboa has positioned itself in 266th place, 9 points higher than the previous year (275th), and within the top 1% world universities.

To rank the world’s top 1000 universities, CWUR uses the following eight indicators:

| Quality of Education (25%), measured by the number of a university's alumni who have won major international awards;
| Alumni Employment (25%), measured by the number of a university's alumni who have held CEO positions at the world's top companies;
| Quality of Professors (25%), measured by the number of academics who have won major international awards;
| Publications (5%), measured by the number of research papers published;
| Influence (5%), measured by the number of research papers published by highly-influential journals;
| Citations (5%), measured by the number of cited research papers;
| Broad Impact (5%), measured by the scientific impact of published papers;
| Patents (5%), measured by the number of international patent filings in each university.

ULisboa has moved up 9 places in the 2017 ranking, thus establishing its international position in scientific activity indicators.

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