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Unite! launches U!Reading Club with Mercè Rodoreda's "La plaça del diamant"

The inaugural meeting of the international university Reading Club will take place online in the second week of February. Registrations for participation in the Club are already open.

U!Reading Club

Mercè Rodoreda and her work "La plaça del diamant" have been chosen to kick off the activities of Unite!'s Reading Club, an initiative driven by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-Barcelona Tech (UPC) and funded by the alliance through its seed fund for student projects. Martina Massana, a student at UPC, together with Carme Fenoll, Director of the Culture and Community Area, and two students from Grenoble and Aalto, are the minds behind the proposal. 

Students from the nine universities forming part of the alliance can now enrol in the Club. The first meeting will be held online in the second week of February. Organizers anticipate that each university's libraries will provide Club members with the books proposed for debates, in original or English versions. 


Join the U! Reading Club

More informations at the Unite! website

Source: Unite!


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