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“Vizinho e Cãopanhia”: AEFMV creates Pet Walking volunteering platform

The Students Association of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Universidade de Lisboa. (AEFMV), with the support of the Faculty has created the volunteering platform “Vizinho e Cãopanhia”. (Neighbour and Pet dog"

“Vizinho e Cãopanhia”: AEFMV cria plataforma de voluntariado de pet walking

In this initiative, veterinary medicine and nursing students from any faculty in the country can sign up to walk dogs of neighbours that may have risk diseases and who,  for the same reason, are prevented to leave the house due to the current COVID-19 pandemic.

The goal of the initiative is to protect people in this situation, avoiding their exposure and contact with the outside, and to allow the animal to maintain its walks routine, contributing to its well-being.

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