Portuguese Studies
To offer interdisciplinary training in areas of Portuguese cultural expression, displaying its connection with other areas of study, whether they be cultural or linguistic. The central core of the cycle of studies, formed by mandatory UC, fulfills its main purpose, providing essential subjects in Portuguese Studies. The specialization in one or two of the four main areas (majors in Language, Literature and Culture, History and History of Art) is guaranteed and one or two sub-specialization (minors), which include, among others, Brazilian and African Culture, are permitted. The share of free options gives one the possibility of adapting curricular goals to several educational or professional interests. Valuable basic skills are offered, which give access to research in Portuguese cultural patrimony, and give entrance to the labor market in activities associated with Portuguese culture and its defense and promotion in Portugal and abroad.
Graduates will be able to develop activities in areas related to Portuguese culture, in Portugal and abroad, working in text editing, production of cultural content, preservation and dissemination of Portuguese language, literature, culture and art, in teaching the literatures and cultures of Portuguese-speaking countries to speakers of Portuguese as a Mother language, Second Language and Foreign Language.
Many graduates continue to study, attending Master's courses in the areas of Literature, Arts and Cultures or in other fields of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
National contest
18 Português e uma das seguintes provas: 06 Filosofia ou 11 História ou 14 Latim ou 15 Literatura Portuguesa