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Radiation Protection and Safety

IST Técnico Lisboa

The Master in Radiation Protection and Safety (MPSR), a unique master's degree in Portugal, aims to respond to the Education and Training needs of professionals involved in the use of ionizing radiation in the sectors of Health, Industry, Environment, Research, Services, Security and Energy. The MPSR offers a wide range of curricular units on radioactive waste, environmental radioactivity, metrology, dosimetry, radiobiology and biological effects of radiation, shielding studies and projects, radiological and nuclear risk and safety, preparedness and response to radiological and nuclear emergencies.

The MPSR aims to provide future masters with a comprehensive and integrated view of different scientific, technological, technical, socioeconomic, ethical, legal and regulatory topics in Radiation Protection and Safety.

Career prospects

Técnico MSc graduates in Radiological Protection and Safety are qualified to perform activities in institutions and companies in the sectors of Health, Industry, Environment, Energy, Safety, Regulation and Research as:

• Calculation, assessment and measurement of doses to professionals, patients and users, members of the public and the environment, arising from the use of ionizing radiation and radiological practices;

• Provision of services (dosimetry, shielding calculations, radioactive waste management, determination of radioactivity in food, water and other consumer goods, etc.) to hospitals and companies;

• Advice and consulting on topics associated to the use of ionizing radiation beams and sources, radioactive materials, etc;

• Evaluation of technologies involving ionizing radiation;

• Research and development, in Radiological Protection, Dosimetry, Radiobiology, Radioactive Waste, Radioecology, Environmental Radioactivity;

• Epidemiological studies in populations exposed to ionizing radiation in medical and environmental exposures (radon, NORM, others);

• Radiological inspection;

• Regulatory activities (Ionizing Radiation Regulatory Authority, competent authorities);

• Communication of the radiological risk arising from radiological practices and use of ionizing radiation;

• Outreach and dissemination.

In some of these activities, further training and recognition of specific competences may be required by the regulatory authorities and/or competent authorities.

Access and ingress

Critérios de Admissão

Only the students that meet the requirements below may apply for a 2nd cycle of IST or to a 2nd cycle of na IST Integrated MSC Programme:
- those who have concluded a 1st cycle degree programme, or a 1st cycle of an Integrated MSc Programme, which do not have scientific consistency with the 2nd cycle for which they apply;
- those who hold a 1st cycle degree in the area of Science and Technology (except for the 2nd cycle in Architecture which presupposes a 1st cycle programme in Architecture);
- those who have a school, scientific or professional background, certifying their capacity to carry out a MSc for which they apply.

Fee – 1st year (indicative)
1 060,00€
Fee - remaining years (indicative)
1 060,00€

International student contest

Fee – 1st year (indicative)
7 000,00€
Fee - remaining years (indicative)
7 000,00€
MSc - Master Degree
Duração em Semestres
Time period


A3ES Accreditation

Decision date
Accreditation dealine

DGES registration

Registation Nr.
R/A-Cr 125/2016
Registration date