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Amazing trip for Canoeing - EULisboa

The Amazing trip for Canoeing with Barbecue is organized by EULisboa , on the September 30 th , 2023.

Amazing trip for Canoeing - EULisboa

Come with us and experience canoeing in the biggest river in Portugal (Tejo), with University Students from all over the world.

Saturday, we leave from the University early morning, start the activity in Constância (where our poet Luís de Camões born) and finish canoeing in Vila Nova da Barquinha, where a friendly barbecue will be served.

The ride will be nice and easy (suitable for all levels); it will have circa 9km and about 2:30 hours of sport activity.

Registrations are limited to the first 50 registrations.

Fees and more information soon.


Para que esteja sempre a par das atividades da ULisboa, nós levamos as notícias mais relevantes até ao seu email. Subscreva! 


Constância, Vila Nova da Barquinha