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10 Anos ULisboa

10 Years ULisboa

The commemorations of the 10th anniversary of the merger of the old University of Lisbon and the Technical University of Lisbon into the new University of Lisbon (ULisboa) are based on a vast and diversified program of initiatives, from events to promote science and heritage, to exhibitions, competitions, music, theater, cinema, sport and fashion.

Events such as the Music at the University seasons and the Annual Academic Theatre Festival (FATAL) have long been part of ULisboa's annual cultural program, which is open not only to the Academy but also to the whole of civil society, with loyal and consolidated audiences. But many other events have also been chosen to be part of the Commemorations program, which will run until July 2024.

Without trying to be exhaustive, the following stand out: 10 Guided Tours (with the aim of publicizing ULisboa's heritage sites and values); 10 Podcasts (with the aim of publicizing research projects and networks that mobilize various ULisboa schools); Science Week (an event to publicize the potential for research and innovation at ULisboa); ULisboa Photo (a competition mobilizing the entire university community with a penchant for photography); Mirabilia exhibition - admirable things (which presents unique and curious objects from ULisboa's 18 schools and other organic and specialized units), Art in the Feminine exhibition - 10 years, 10 artists (bringing together works by several visual artists who have in common the fact that they have been or are linked to ULisboa or previous universities), film cycle (with sessions commented on by specialists); and, inter-school 5-a-side soccer tournament at the University Stadium.

The program will also include initiatives evoking the anti-regime student unrest of the 1960s, as well as commemorating the 50th anniversary of the April Revolution, which will be celebrated in 2024.

The Commemorations of the 10th anniversary of the Fusion are also a pretext for the creation and presentation of the sculpture Excelsa, by Sérgio Vicente (sculptor and professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts).

José Manuel Simões
Commissioner for the Commemorations of (723+) 10 Years of ULisboa




Arte no Feminino - 10 Anos, 10 Artistas
March 8, 2024 to May 31, 2024
News from Inauguration and Finissage

Human Rights in an Image
December 12, 2023 to January 31, 2024

Moita Macedo Poet Painter
December 7, 2023 to February 16, 2024


Mirabilia "Admirable Things" - University of Lisbon 723 + 10 Years of History
July 18 to November 24, 2023

Teaching with Industry: a journey from project to product design - Paulo Parra
April 13 to June 2, 2023


Um Projetista na Academia - Twenty-five years of Graphic Design For the University of Lisbon: 25 Works - Jorge dos Reis
15 November to 15 December 2022

Corpus Hermeticum de Luz - Mário Vitória
September 27 to October 31, 2022





ULisboa Program, 10 years, 10 Visits 
Set of Visits and Tours with guests who will guide participants to discover spaces at the University of Lisbon.


Music at the University of Lisbon

Season Feb-Jun 23/24 
Season Oct-Jan 23/24

Cinema at the University of Lisbon

Cinema Cycle "Transformations"
4 to 29 November 2023