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Administrative Staff

The Erasmus+ Programme allows administrative staff to carry out a mobility period between European higher education institutions with the aim to train at the hosting university, enabling the internationalization of all the participant higher education institutions.

ULisboa welcomes the Erasmus+ training staff incoming from all the Partner Universities.

Step by step:

Applicants should apply to the Erasmus+ Programme at their home institution. Deadlines and application requirements are set by the home institution which is also responsible for selecting the participants that will take part in the Erasmus+ Programme.

Administrative staff that intend on carrying out an Erasmus training period must:

| Complete all the home institution’s application procedures to be selected and nominated to our university;
| Contact the School’s Erasmus/International Office to assure that it is possible be hosted at and able to train at ULisboa;
| If the participant becomes accepted, he must fill in the Mobility Agreement, gather the needed signatures and hand it at his home institution.

If, while developing the training activities, the teaching staff wishes to arrange any meetings with a unit, department or teacher at ULisboa, the School’s Erasmus/International Office should be contacted.

Before returning to their home institution the administrative staff should ask the hosting School’s Erasmus/International Office for a declaration of stay (pdf) which certifies their staying, mentioning the mobility dates.

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