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PhD thesis in the International Cotutela Regime

A jointly supervised PhD (known as cotutelle) offers a PhD student the chance to be jointly supervised by the Universidade de Lisboa and a university in another country. The cotutelle applies to the time in which the student develops his/her thesis, upon completion of the PhD seminars and of any other requirements for admission to the thesis that the PhD program defines.

For this purpose, an agreement is established between the Universities, the supervisors and the student.

For more information, please contact the School, at the Universidade de Lisboa, in which you are enrolled or wish to enrol.


Relevant Documents:

| Regulamento de elaboração de tese de doutoramento em regime de cotutela internacional da ULisboa, publicado no Diário da República, 2.ª série, n.º 45, de 5 de março, pelo Despacho n.º 2305/2015 (available only in Portuguese)

| Agreement for the elaboration of a PhD thesis in international co-tutelle (Portuguese version)

| Agreement for the elaboration of a PhD thesis in international co-tutelle (English version)