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karolina grabowska

Post-Graduation School

The complementarity of knowledge and the optimization of the existing networks at the level of the different Schools are decisive arguments for the creation of a new university structure: a “Postgraduate School”, as a transversal space for training, designed to promote new synergies that have been little explored until now. This vision for the Graduate School is in the sense of the transdisciplinarity goal advocated as a major objective of ULisboa and an essential vector of the merger process that was initiated in 2013.

ULisboa is a community of more than 58,000 people, of which more than 50,000 are students. It offers 429 courses, covering all areas of knowledge, of which 92 are undergraduate courses, 7 are integrated masters, 210 are masters and 120 are doctoral courses. ULisboa annually receives about 8,000 1st and 2nd cycle students and welcomes more than 10,000 foreign students. Each year, ULisboa delivers around 12,000 diplomas from degree courses.

The University of Lisbon (ULisboa) comprises 18 Schools that are educational and research units with self-governing bodies:

  • School of Architecture (FA)
  • Faculty of Fine Arts (FBA)
  • Faculty of Sciences (FC)
  • Faculty of Law (FD)
  • Faculty of Pharmacy (FF)
  • School of Arts and Humanities (FL)
  • Faculty of Medicine (FM)
  • Faculty of Dental Medicine (FMD)
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FMV)
  • Faculty of Human Kinetics (FMH)
  • Faculty of Psychology (FP)
  • Institute of Social Sciences (ICS)
  • Institute of Education (IE)
  • Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT)
  • School of Agriculture (ISA)
  • Institute of Social and Political Sciences (ISCSP)
  • School of Economics & Management (ISEG)
  • School of Engineering (Técnico - IST)


The PostGraduation School implies the reorganization of the entire non-degree postgraduate training offer of the University of Lisbon, as well as its management structure.

The experience already gathered in all 18 ULisboa’s Schools and the diversity of offer that is available today, point to the need for a qualitative leap in the policy and management of a training offer with a strong social and economic impact and recognizably valuing individual skills.

Indeed, the existing training offer has a tradition based on disciplinary expertise, supported by the technical, cultural and scientific skills available in each of the Schools. This type of training reflects an orientation centred on courses, departments and schools, with their own knowledge of training markets and sectorial needs. However, the creation of an interdisciplinary training offer, which was largely driven by the merger process that created the University of Lisbon in 2013, is a new reality that requires a different framework for this important training activity: in terms of human resources, equipment and of spaces. From an alveolar conception of training, based on disciplinary knowledge, it is intended to evolve to a new model, characteristic of inter and transdisciplinarity and the crossing of knowledge and skills.

The PostGraduation School of ULisboa will deliver formation in 9 areas:

  1. Agriculture; Veterinary Sciences
  2. Natural Resources; Environment; Energy
  3. Humanities; Arts; Culture
  4. Social sciences; Business sciences; Law
  5. Education; Formation
  6. Health; Sport Sciences
  7. Data Science; Information Technology; Digital transition
  8. Engineering; Technologies; Industrialization
  9. Territory; Urbanism; Architecture




The institutional strategy adopted in the ULisboa’s application follows an architecture of 6 main axes:

  1. To provide essential and specific skills for professional practice, increasing the general literacy and the application of updated knowledge in different contexts, in a lifelong learning approach.
  2. To foster internationalization through the participation of students and professors, based on the university's international networking.
  3. To increase the participation and training of professionals from different areas: government organizations, local and regional administration, industries, public and private institutions and civil society. Active participation involves the design of an adjusted training offer and an active framework that includes both employees and employers.
  4. To facilitate the transfer of knowledge, namely in technical and technological upgrades, in training schemes compatible with professional practice, with a positive impact on employability. A special focus of attention to areas where there are clear needs for strengthening and updating skills.
  5. To anticipate emerging training needs, based on prospective scenarios of specific training in many areas of social and economic activity, in articulation with the training provided at the level of regular academic background.
  6. To promote the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary offer of postgraduate courses, optimizing the resources and competences available in the 18 University Schools.

One of the main objectives of the postgraduate training offer is the attraction of international students and the development of networks of specialized knowledge, oriented towards postgraduate training, through collaboration with renowned entities and specialists, holders of specialized knowledge in training matters. In addition, it is also intended to create a properly certified training offer that may contribute to the development of competences of high strategic value, being part of international research and policy agendas.

The involvement of relevant institutional partners in the sector will enhance the University's projection and its training offer internationally, taking advantage of international networking, with teaching in English and dissemination of work in world academic networks and in consortia in various thematic areas. The collaboration of foreign partners in teaching is largely ensured by important networks of technical, scientific and cultural nature between the ULisboa and its Schools. The active participation of ULisboa Schools in dynamic international associations not only facilitates the dissemination of initiatives and attraction of students, but also enhances the gathering of essential specialized skills for high quality formation. The international image of ULisboa, with many courses ranked in the top 100 in the respective scientific areas in the main international rankings, is also an additional attractiveness factor.

The choice of training themes, namely the more in-depth themes and those involving more specialization, was based on the perception of potential interest among international audiences, namely from Portuguese-speaking countries, Asian and European countries.

In some training initiatives, the expectation of participation of international students is very high, namely those to be organized in the context of summer schools. Based on the internationalization rate of the postgraduate training offer made available in recent years, a demand from international students of around 25% is expected in most courses.

The existence of online training resources, vastly improved in the current pandemic crisis, is also an enabling element of the internationalization process.