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Alumni of the Faculty of Dental Medicine of ULisboa distinguished in the United States of America

Inês Guerra graduated in Dental Medicine from ULisboa in 2001.

Alumni da Faculdade de Medicina Dentária da ULisboa distinguida nos Estados Unidos da América

After moving to the USA, she entered the University of Illinois at Chicago in January 2021 to attend the Advanced Standing Program, a course that allows one to practice dentistry. In May of this year, she obtained her DMD degree as the best student in her course, leading her to receive two awards, excellence scholarships and to be selected to be a member of Omicron Kappa Upsilon, an American honorary society founded in 1914, working in the field of dentistry. As a result of her brilliant academic performance, she was recently admitted to the joint Paediatric Dentistry specialisation program and a two-yearMSin Oral Sciences at the same university, funded by a government grant.

Source: Faculdade de Medicina Dentária da ULisboa


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