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Faculty of Pharmacy from Universidade de Lisboa produces disinfectant to fight/to prevent COVID-19

ULisboa’s Faculty of Pharmacy along with the Military Laboratory of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Products (LMPQF), validates disinfectants and alcohol-based gel / hand sanitizer production for hospitals.

Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa preparou desinfetante para combater COVID-19 e prepara Desinfetante para o Hospital de Campanha

The increase on the production of these two cleaning products made the LMPQF appeal to apartnership with the Faculty of Pharmacy for in order to collaborate on the microbiological control of these products.

The tests have been concluded at the Microbiological Control Laboratory from Association for the Development of Education and Research in Microbiology (ADEIM), which is based at the Faculty of Pharmacy, with the supervision of Professors and Researchers from the Faculty in the field of Microbiology and Immunology.

The Faculty of Pharmacy has already prepared 120 liters of disinfectant solution, in which 100 liters are for the field  hospital in Lisbon and 20 liters for the Microbiology laboratoty analysis.

Supports: Portuguese Pharmaceutical Society (OF), National Association of Pharmacies in Portugal (ANF), Portuguese Pharmaceutical Industry Association (APIFARMA) and Association for the Development of Education and Research in Microbiology (ADEIM) Research and Development



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