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ULisboa’ Molecular Medicine Institute (IMM) from Faculty of Medicine develops nationally produced tests

The IMM from ULisboa’as Faculty of Medicine has found a solution to the shortage of diagnostic tests to the new coronavirus in Portugal.


The Director of the IMM Maria Manuel Mota, brought together a group of scientists and, using kits and reagents, made in Portugal by a ULisboa start-up business, Nzytech, validated the “recipe” of the World Health Organization, proposing a diagnostic procedure that was, in the meantime, accredited by the National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge (INSA), the reference lab in Portugal for the laboratorial diagnosis of this disease.

These tests will be applied, in a preventive way, in nursing homes and other environments with high risk of contagion of the disease. The Red Cross will help to collect samples.

Maria Mota states that the initial objective is to carry out 300 daily tests but in a near future hopes to reach 1000 daily tests.

Support: Portuguese Red Cross


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