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Técnico Researcher wins ANACOM-URSI Portugal 2022 Award

The IPFN scientist Bruno Gonçalves won the ANACOM-URSI Portugal Award for the best research work in the field of radio sciences.

Investigador do Técnico vence Prémio ANACOM-URSI Portugal 2022

Bruno Gonçalves, a researcher at the Institute for Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion (IPFN), won the ANACOM – URSI Portugal 2022 Award, for the “best research work in the field of radio sciences”. The award ceremony took place on 25th November at the Lisbon Academy of Sciences.

“This award rewards the work of IPFN’s Engineering and Systems Integration Group and its contribution to the development of microwave reflectometry diagnostics for nuclear fusion devices”, stressed the Técnico scientist.

The International Union of Radio Science (URSI) created the award in 2009 with the aim of “stimulating creativity and rigour in scientific research work in Portugal”.



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