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Investigação e Desenvolvimento

Técnico produces and donates hand sanitizer

A research team is producing hand sanitizer, in order to address the shortage of materials identified by several healthcare units of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo.


Responding to the challenge set by several healthcare institutions, a researchers’ team from IST is producing a hand sanitizer solution to supply, in the next few days, the stock limitations identified by the health units of the Lisboa and Vale do Tejo region.

Before starting this project, IST was already collecting information on the existence of goods that are scarcing in healthcare units , such as alcohol, gloves and masks, at its research centres and laboratories. All the gathered material will be delivered along with the produced hand sanitizer.      

The researchers involved in this project hope to produce around 200 liters of hand sanitizer in the next 3 or 4 days. According to Técnico’s vice-president, if all goes well the first batch of this solution will be delivered at the beginning of next week.     .

Anyone who has spare alcohol and wants to donate it for the project please contact the team./contact us.

Contact: Fátima Montemor


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