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ULisboa hosts IHEST National Training Cycle

ULisboa recebe ciclo nacional de formação do IHEST

On February 5th and 6th, Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) received two sessions of The Unknown & The Uncertain training cycle, organized by the Institut des Hautes Études pour la Science et la Technologie (IHEST).

For the first time, IHEST prepared a training cycle on a case study dedicated to the Portuguese reality. Namely, its scientific and technological community, naturally prone to innovation.

With this in mind, for the 2017-2018 national cycle IHEST gathered a panel of approximately 40 auditors, linked to several professional universes within the French innovation ecosystem, with the intention of debating the state of innovation in Portugal.

In this light, ULisboa invited a panel of personalities from its different Schools to discuss this cycle’s theme alongside the other professionals present.


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